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Building the Foundation for a Lifetime of Confident Reading

One-to-one foundational reading skills tutoring for schools and districts

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students in a classroom work with their high-dosage tutors virtually via computers

Every Great Journey Starts with Mastering the Basics

Every student can learn to read with the right instruction. Ignite Reading’s one-to-one, online, Science of Reading-based tutoring closes students’ decoding gaps to get them caught up fast. Through 15-minute daily sessions, our expert reading tutors teach students the foundational skills they need to become confident, fluent readers.

How Reading Tutoring Turns Students Into Skilled Decoders

  • Differentiated Instruction

    We pair every student with a highly trained reading tutor who teaches into their precise decoding gaps for 15 minutes daily. Students get the differentiated instruction, volume of practice, and repetition they need—and a caring tutor who builds their confidence.

    An elementary student works with an online tutor on a laptop
  • Proven Curriculum

    Our Science of Reading curriculum is a National Council on Teacher Quality exemplary resource written by reading researchers. Systematic and fully scripted, it helps students master phonological awareness, decoding, and word recognition so they can go from learning to read to reading to learn.

    the book cover for how to plan differentiated reading instruction by sharon walpole and michael c mckenna
  • Data-Driven Approach

    We use baseline diagnostics, curriculum-embedded assessments, and progress monitoring to identify each student's skill gaps and track their growth. A dedicated literacy specialist conducts in-depth data meetings with your school leaders and teachers monthly, giving teachers actionable data to support students in the classroom. 

    school staff look at student progress monitoring data on a whiteboard
The Ignite Reading Program

The Ignite Reading Impact

Results from An Evaluation of Ignite Reading by the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University showed that students reading below grade level who received Ignite Reading’s one-to-one online tutoring achieved significant literacy gains. Students across populations — historically marginalized groups, English learners, and students with IEPs — achieved similar high-growth results.

Learn More About Our Impact

Students at Benchmark Increased 213% 
Students Needing Intensive Intervention Decreased 55%

A study of 1,872 1st graders across 13 Massachusetts public school districts,
64% of whom were reading well below grade level

A graph shows DIBELS scores for students in high-dosage tutotoring

Source: Study by the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University

I wholeheartedly recommend Ignite Reading as a partner in building foundational reading skills. Their program has proven to be highly effective, and their commitment to delivering excellent tutoring, ongoing support, and data-driven guidance is invaluable.

Dr. Lisa McCall

Assistant Superintendent, Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J

Tigard, OR


Here’s What Makes Our Tutors Excellent Reading Instructors

  • Every Ignite Reading tutor completes 110+ hours of Science of Reading-based professional learning and tutoring practicum.

  • Tutors follow a data-driven, evidence-based curriculum, and our coaches ensure they teach it with fidelity.

  • Our tutors build caring, consistent relationships with students that boost their confidence and motivation to learn.

an elementary classroom shows tutoring for students going on with students on laptops with online tutors

Our Program Fits Easily Into Your School Day

  • Students work with their Ignite Reading tutors for 15 minutes every day, in class or in a designated tutoring area.

  • We recruit and manage your students' virtual tutors so your staff can focus on other priorities.

The Ignite Reading Program