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Our Curriculum Follows the Science

Student With Headphones Using Ignite Reading Tutoring

Underpinning Our Program: A Science of Reading-Aligned Curriculum

cover of book How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction by Sharon Walpole and Michael McKenna

Our Tutoring Curriculum Is:

  • Based on the work of reading researchers Sharon Walpole, PhD and Michael C. McKenna, PhD

  • Grounded in the Science of Reading

  • Backed by evidence of efficacy

  • Adapted to one-to-one instruction

  • Identified by the National Council on Teacher Quality as an exemplary resource for teacher preparation

Instruction Follows a Sequence of Foundational Literacy Skills

Ignite Reading tutors follow an evidence-based curriculum that ensures all students receive the same level of high-quality reading instruction. Following a progression of essential foundational reading skills aligned to the Science of Reading, tutors use research-based reading instruction techniques and progress monitoring assessments. After tutors conduct a baseline assessment, Ignite Reading’s literacy specialists identify students’ specific skills gaps, and instruction is targeted to meet their needs. Instruction moves forward until students are reading with automaticity and fluency.

continuum of learning for Science of Reading curriculum

See Our Tutoring in Action