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Our Tutoring Program Gets Results

Girl Student Showing Ok Sign To Tablet

A Proven Tutoring Program

The Ignite Reading tutoring program is designed to help students master foundational reading skills and become fluent readers. Our evidence-based 1:1 approach has been proven as a scalable solution to accelerate early literacy outcomes for high-need students.

Research by the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University shows that Ignite Reading students gained an additional 5.4 months of learning in one year of tutoring as compared to national averages. Strong levels of reading growth were realized across all student demographics, including English language learners, students with IEPs, and Black and Hispanic students. 

Read the Study
Cover for study by Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University 

The Ignite Reading Impact

Students at Benchmark Increased 213%
Students Needing Intensive Intervention Decreased 55%

A study of 1,872 1st graders across 13 Massachusetts public school districts, 64% of whom were reading well below grade level

Jhu Chart With Arrows

Source: Study by the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University 

Ignite Reading Virtual Tutoring Delivers Results Comparable to In-Person Tutoring

When comparing the growth of more than 800 Ignite Reading students with matched students from the same districts who were not in the Ignite Reading program, students who received tutoring from Ignite Reading achieved significantly greater literacy gains than those in the comparison group. These gains were comparable to gains observed in recent studies of in-person tutoring at scale and significantly outperformed the impact of educational technology interventions, other virtual tutoring programs, and extended day programs.

Ignite Effect Size Comparsion Chart

Students Across Demographics Gained More Than 5 Additional Months of Learning Compared to National Averages

English learners, students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), and Black and Hispanic students all achieved
similar gains of just under five months or slightly more than five months of additional learning.

Jhu Additional Months Of Learning

Source: Study by the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University 

Hear From Educators

As a former kindergarten teacher, I absolutely love this reading intervention.

Dr. Almudena Abeyta

Superintendent of Chelsea Public Schools, Chelsea, MA

Headshot of Dr. Almi G. Abeyta

2023–2024 School Year Results

Here’s more about the students who participated in our 2023-2024 program:

  • 85%

    Had skills gaps placing them at kindergarten or 1st grade reading levels

  • 72%

    From historically disenfranchised groups

  • 31%

    Multilingual learners

  • 18%

    Had an IEP

District Success Stories

Little Rock School District

In its first-year pilot, 1,000 Little Rock students participated in Ignite Reading and made outstanding foundational reading skills gains.

Little Rock Elementary
Red Bluff Elementary

Red Bluff Union Elementary School District 

Eighty percent of 1st—8th graders in the Ignite Reading program had skill gaps that placed them at kindergarten and first grade reading levels. See their exceptional growth.